Using a Menu Plan is essential to the success of having consistent and stress-free family dinners. And one that looks good is so much more fun to use! I would like to share my Weekly Menu Planner with all of my wonderful readers, in hopes that this helps you create family meal times that are bonding, relaxed, and delicious!

To download and print free copies of The Mel and Boys Kitchen menu plan, as seen above, click here:
It will download both designs as a two-page PDF file. Choose which design best fits your needs. If you like the first design better, then print page 1 only. If you like the second design better, then only print page 2.
As you can see, there are two different designs to choose from. One is just for your dinner plans and the other includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Both designs have a section reserved for your Grocery List. After filling out your Menu Plan, the grocery list can be cut off and tucked in your purse for your trip to the supermarket, while the cute menu portion can go on your fridge or somewhere convenient.
*And if you haven’t had a chance to look at the ‘How to Create Happy and Nourishing Family Dinners’ post? It is the notes from a class I taught.
Click here for my Weekly Menu Plans