I was bringing a dinner to a friend who was moving (into my neighborhood–yeah!!) a couple of weeks ago and made my trusty and always delicious Breadstick with Garlic Cheese recipe to go with this Slow Cooker Ham and Potato soup. I realized that the breadstick recipe needed to be updated to include this yummy garlic seasoning mix. The original breadstick recipe found here is one of my very first posts on my blog from 10 years ago! Can you believe I have been posting that long? I can’t! Time flies when you are having fun, I guess! These breadsticks with garlic cheese seasoning are so easy and quick that I used to make them all the time, before two of my boys were diagnosed with Celiac Disease (no gluten –so no regular bread items anymore ). Now with two of my sons out of the house and 2 of 3 left not able to eat bread, these wonderful breadsticks only get made when I am bringing dinner to someone or we are having people over. I need to figure out how to make gluten free breadsticks one of these day! We miss having them! I realized that I had never shared the garlic cheese seasoning mix–the key to creating these incredible breadsticks! We LOVE this awesome garlic cheese herb seasoning mix and find lots of uses for it (making pizza, roasted veggies etc)

This seasoning is packed with flavor and tastes like the Johny’s Garlic Bread Seasoning you can buy at Costco. It is not only fabulous on breadsticks, but incredible sprinkled on pizza dough, steamed or roasted vegetables, salmon, pasta and more. You can also this mix if you don’t have any yummy Garlic Parmesan Butter on hand. Simply add a couple of tablespoons of this mix with some soft butter to spread over split French bread halves and toast in the over. I think you will find many uses for it!

Also, have you tried these plastic covers for cookie sheets. I get mine here on Amazon. I LOVE them. I no longer have to try to spray big pieces of plastic wrap to lay on top of breadsticks to cinnamon rolls. They are also great for transporting baked goods.

These breadsticks with garlic and cheese seasoning are so good! My family always liked any dinner I made when it included these! They are perfect for dunking in soup! Our favorites include Cream Cheese Chicken Soup, Quick and Easy Tomato Soup, or this fun Lasagna Soup! What is your favorite meal with breadsticks? Maybe the famous Olive Garden Salad? You know you just HAVE to eat breadsticks with that one!
Anyway you eat them–they are wonderful! Especially fresh out of the oven! Enjoy!

Breadsticks with Garlic Cheese Seasoning Mix (DIY Johnny’s Garlic Bread Seasoning)
Incredibly easy and delicious breadsticks! We love this quick no fail breadstick recipe and make it all the time!
- 1 ½ cup warm water
- 1 Tablespoon yeast
- 2 Tablespoons sugar
- 3– 4 cups flour (either all purpose or bread flour)
- ½ tsp salt
Garlic Cheese Seasoning Mix:
- 1/2 c. powdered Parmesan cheese
- 1–2 tsp. Kosher salt ( I like it a bit salty, but cut it back if you prefer less)
- 2 Tbsp. garlic powder
- 2 tsp. oregano
- 2 tsp. basil
- 1 tsp. marjoram
- 2 tsp. parsley
- Dissolve yeast in warm water.
- Add sugar and let it sit and bubble for a few minutes.
- Add the salt and flour. Start with 3 cups of flour and add more until the dough cleans the sides of the mixing bowl. It should be slightly sticky but soft and easy to work with.
- Knead for 3 minutes.
- Let the dough rest for 10 minutes. (I do all of this in my Bosch or kitchen aid–any mixer would work great)
- Melt 2 TB butter
- Roll dough out to approximately the same size of the cookie sheet.
- Cut to desired width, then twist or lay flat on cookie sheet.
- Brush the melted butter on breadsticks and sprinkle with garlic cheese seasoning mix.
- Raise for 10-20 minutes. Preheat your oven to 375 and bake for 20 minutes, or until golden.
- You can roll them out to fit a cookie sheet and they will be puffy and soft. If you prefer a thinner, crunchy breadstick roll them out to fit a cookie sheet and a jelly roll pan. Either way they are great!
- **Be careful to not add too much flour or to overcook them!!
Garlic Cheese Seasoning Mix:
- Combine ingredients in a jar (preferably one with a sprinkle top) and shake.
- Store in fridge for a month or so(it never lasts long at our house).
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